1.4 - Applying to host FEI competitions or events (inc FEI Calendar)

Applying to host international FEI classes or events

It is essential that an event wishing to gain international FEI status must have the support of the host country National Federation because the application and all formal communication will be processed through the National Federation. Details of all FEI affiliated National Federations can be accessed here.  

The initial request to host an international competition must be submitted by the National Federation in accordance with Art 112 of the FEI General Regulations.  The application must be submitted by the National Federation on behalf of the Organising Committee by October of the year prior to the event. Later applications can be made but will be subject to higher charges and specific considerations (see Art 112).

Many events rely primarily on competition entry fees to be financially viable (see Budgeting and Finance). For this reason it is essential to maximise the number of Athletes and Horses coming to your event. The date of the event is often the most critical factor in this. Organisers should work closely with their National Federation to identify and agree dates that will not be in conflict with similar events / competitions either at a national or international level.

Outdoor events can also be impacted by weather. Selecting a date to minimise this risk is important in these cases. Organisers should ensure they have insurance in place to cover costs in the event of cancellation / abandonment.

Once an application has been accepted by the FEI the event will be published in the FEI Official Calendar.  The Calendar Registration Fee is due at this stage in accordance with Financial Charges determined and published annually. 

FEI Schedule

The FEI Schedule is a document produced by every event to provide National Federations and Athletes wishing to compete with all the information they require.  It lists details about the organiser, officials, competitions taking place, the venue and facilities available such as stabling, the entry process and other administrative points, veterinary, medical and anti-doping matters.  The Schedule must be submitted to the FEI in accordance with Art 110 of General Regulations. Once the Official Calendar has been approved template schedules, checklists and guidelines for completing FEI Schedules are available to Organisers via the relevant discipline tab on the Organiser's section of the FEI website. Alternatively use direct links as follows:

Click here for Jumping
Contact: jumping@fei.org 
Click here for Dressage
Contact: dressage@fei.org
Click here for Para Dressage
Contact: paradressage@fei.org
Click here for Eventing
Contact: eventingschedules@fei.org 
Click here for Driving
Contact: driving@fei.org  
Click here for Endurance
Contact: endurance@fei.org 
Click here for Vaulting
Contact: vaulting@fei.org

FEI Online Schedule Platform

A specific online schedule platform has been developed to manage the various processes and workflows involved in FEI Event Schedules.  The FEI Online Schedule platform is used for all FEI Eventing Events and is currently being rolled out for Jumping. Other disciplines will be added in the future. The FEI Online Schedule:

  • Allows Organising Committees to provide all the necessary information regarding their Show to their National Federations.
  • Allows unified and precise schedule information, appointments and communication flow.
  • Allows Organising Committees to add questions/comments for their National Federation directly on the FEI Online Schedule platform.
  • Allows National Federations to correct, modify or suggest information to their Organising Committee.
  • Tracks all changes made to the schedule for transparency and follow-up.
  • Enables an easy submission of the schedule to the FEI for validation.
  • Permits the FEI to correct, modify or suggest changes to the schedule prior to approval and publication.
  • Saves and tracks FEI Schedule information from one year to the next.  

Guidelines for Organisers on how to use the FEI Online Schedule platform can be found here. All questions related to the platform can be sent to schedules@fei.org

FEI Championships & Series

Established events may wish to consider bidding to host FEI Championships or maybe legs or finals of FEI Series. All relevant information can be accessed via the FEI's Bidding Platform here.

Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding organising FEI competitions or would like further advice not available through this guide please contact your National Federation or the relevant FEI department here.

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