9.1 - Post-Event Reporting

Following every FEI event, certain FEI Officials are responsible for submitting a post-event report to the FEI. The purpose of this reporting is to ensure that FEI standards and requirements are being monitored and therefore delivered consistently around the World. Reports are submitted on standard templates either electronically or manually by:

  • Foreign Judge
  • Veterinary Delegate
  • Chief Steward
  • Course Designer (for relevant disciplines/events)
  • Technical Delegate (for relevant disciplines/events)

It may help Organisers to understand the focus and format of these reports. For more information contact the relevant FEI department here.

Key Event Requirements (KERs)

A process was established in 2024 to monitor specifically requirements considered most essential to provide optimal conditions for competition, and to safeguard horse welfare  and the health and safety of athletes. The KERs and system of monitoring, reporting and follow-up are detailed here.

Event Classification System (ECS)

For Jumping an even more extensive Event Classification System has been implemented for higher level events (all 5*, 4*, CSI3*-W in North American League, and CSIO3*). This combines feedback from the forms referred to above with responses to questionnaires completed by a number of Athletes and Grooms who attended the event. This results in a scorecard which rates the event across multiple categories such as stabling, footing, course design, emergency readiness, venue amenities, sponsor acknowledgment, facilities and services for athletes, grooms, and officials, etc. This is shared with Organisers providing them with detailed feedback enabling them to consider improvements for future events.

Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding organising FEI competitions or would like further advice not available through this guide please contact your National Federation or the relevant FEI department here.

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