4.8 - Discipline Specific Guidelines & Resources

Other sections of the FEI Event Organisers Guide provide general information and guidance to help an Organiser establish, plan and and put on an Event:

How the Event and Competition are managed can be very specific to each discipline. Here are some additional documents and guidance for Organisers of events incorporating these specific disciplines:


  • FEI Eventing Memorandum (Guidelines for Organisers) - available via 'Eventing Downloads' here
  • Event Organisation Checklist - available via 'Eventing Downloads' here

VAULTING - guidelines for Organisers of FEI Vaulting competitions on FEI Knowledgebase (see section 4.8.1)

JUMPING - guidelines for Organisers of FEI Jumping competitions on FEI Knowledgebase (see section 4.8.2)

PARA DRESSAGE - guidelines for Organisers of FEI Para Dressage competitions on FEI Knowledgebase (see section 4.8.3)

DRIVING  has established a  Toolbox for their Organisers. This is a page on inside.fei.org referencing all useful guidelines and materials needed to plan and organise a successful FEI Driving Event. It has been created to give examples and templates of indispensable documents and information. The Toolbox is separated into 3 main sections :

  1. FEI Guidelines for Driving Events - direct link to guidelines here
  2. Administration
  3. Competition documents

Furthermore, a specific hub of information is available for Organisers of FEI Driving World Cup events. It can be accessed here. The hub includes dedicated Guidelines for Organisers of such competitions.

Discipline Specific Organiser Hubs on FEI Website

In addition to all information referenced above, there are Discipline Specific Organiser Sections on the FEI website including dressage tests, results forms, report templates & other guidance. They can be found here:

Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding organising FEI competitions or would like further advice not available through this guide please contact your National Federation or the relevant FEI department here.

Attached files: Notes for Jumping show organisers_v1.pdf

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