4.8.4 - Organising Classification at Para Equestrian Events (Para Dressage & Para Driving)

A classification room should be available from the day of the draw until the last day of the first competition for all Athletes. Private room with lockers and all necessary materials, to be checked with the Chief Classifier.

Two FEI Classifiers will be present and should be treated the same as any other FEI Officials.

Please see also the classification pages on the FEI website for both Para Dressage Classification and Para Driving Classification

Invitation from the OC to the members of the Classification Panel

  • Classifiers are FEI Officials and are invited by the OC of the Event and must be approved by the FEI. A list of accredited FEI Classifiers is maintained by the FEI and available on the FEI website.
  • The OC must provide a written invitation to the members of the Classification Panel well in advance and include confirmation of:
    • The date and venue of the Event
    • Travel to and from the venue, including daily travel to and from the venue
    • Accommodation arrangements which should be with other Officials such as the Judges
    • The undertaking by the OC to meet all expenses incurred by Classifiers, either by providing the facilities or by paying all their relevant costs. The expenses must cover return travel from the Classifier’s home to the Event venue, accommodation, all transport and subsistence at the venue to a reasonable standard and any other essential expenses
    • The dates and times of the Classification process
    • The date the Classifier is expected to arrive and leave of the Event
  • The members of the Classification Panel will respond without delay in writing to confirm acceptance or otherwise.
  • The Classification Panel are required to be present 24 hours prior to the competition draw taking place to complete Athlete Evaluations for New or Review/Review- Fixed Review Date competing Athletes. Any change to this should be negotiated between the OC and the Chief Classifier. 1.5         The Classification Panel should remain at the Event to complete any Observation assessments during the first appearance of Athletes.
  • Arrival and departure dates may need to be negotiated beyond that discussed above dependent on the number of Athletes requiring Evaluation and the number of non-competing Athletes requiring Evaluation for the purpose of FEI Classification.

Athlete evaluation facilities to be organised by the OC for the purpose of Classification

  • A room must be made available to the Classification Panel for the sole purpose of Athlete evaluation and should fulfil the following requirements:
    • Private and clean.
    • Wheelchair accessible, that is, ramped with no steps.
    • Large enough to accommodate the two Classifiers, the Athlete (who may be in a wheelchair) and the Athlete’s representative.
    • Equipped with a height adjustable examination table with a pillow; four sturdy chairs (without arms or wheels) and a table or desk
    • Clean handwashing facilities.
    • A climate controlled space (air conditioned where possible) is recommended if the Classification Panel is required to work in extreme temperatures.
    • Access to a power supply in the room for electronic devices.
    • A lockable area where confidential files and computers can be stored.
    • An appropriate waiting area located near the Classification room.
    • Signage indicating the location of the Classification room.
  • The Classification Panel shall have access to administration facilities such as photocopying and provided with communiqués such as start lists, results and other information for Officials.
  • A private area is to be provided nearby the Competition arena for the Classification Panel to view the Athletes in Competition.

Scheduling Athlete Evaluation

  • The OC is responsible for scheduling Athlete Evaluation in consultation with the Chief Classifier for the Event.
  • A fee of 40 Euros (or equivalent) can be imposed for each FEI Classification completed for Athletes not previously FEI Classified or Athletes with Confirmed Status who have requested a re-Classification through the FEI Medical Review request process, competing and non-competing, with all money being paid to the OC or other nominated body such as the NF.
  • No fee is to be imposed for Athletes undergoing Review or Review-Fixed Review Date evaluation. 
  • All competing Athletes with New or Review Grade status or those with Confirmed status, who have been approved for re-Classification, must undergo Evaluation before the competition draw takes place, allowing time for the Classifiers to complete all associated tasks, notify the OC of any changes to Grade status and relevant Officials of any compensating aids to be used.
  • After the closing date of entries, the OC shall send to the nominated Chief Classifier a list of all entered Athletes, their nation, listed Profile number and Grade.
  • The Chief Classifier shall request an excel copy of the current FEI Classification Master List from the FEI to cross reference with the list of entered Athletes. Once confirmed, the Chief Classifiers will inform the OC of any Review Athletes requiring evaluation. The compensating aids allowed for each Athlete will also be checked and sent to the OC.
  • The OC is required to circulate a list of all entered Athletes, their Profile and Grade to the TD, Chief Steward and Judges.
  • The OC is responsible for scheduling all necessary Athlete Evaluations to take place before the draw takes place. Adequate meal times and breaks must be scheduled for the Classification Panel.
  • At least forty-five minutes should be designated for each evaluation. The Chief Classifier should inform the OC if they think a longer session may be required for an Athlete.
  • The OC will inform the Athlete’s NF of the date and time of the Athlete’s scheduled Evaluation prior to the Event, or immediately upon their arrival at the Event.
  • It is the responsibility of the Athlete’s NF to ensure their Athlete arrives for their scheduled evaluation on time with any necessary documentation if not already provided to the FEI and requested by the Classification Panel for that Event.
  • If an Observation Assessment in Competition is required for the Athlete, the time and place are to be agreed upon by the Athlete, the OC, the Athlete’s NF, the Technical (if required) and the Classification Panel.
  • The Chief Classifier will communicate the results of Athlete Evaluations to the OC and NF as soon as possible following the completion of the Athlete Evaluation.
  • The Chief classifier should produce a compensating aids list with the last checked information from the athletes present at that event.  

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