6.2 - FEI Equine Anti-Doping & Controlled Medication Programme

The FEI organises sample collection at a number of Events worldwide each year to test as part of its Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Programme (EADCMP).  Further information regarding the EADCMP can be found here.  

Organising Committees are required to provide facilities and services to facilitate the EADCM Programme in the event they are informed sample collection will be carried out at the Event. This includes making a minimum of two stables/boxes (at least 3mx3m) available for sample collection (see FEI Veterinary Regulations Art. 1008).  For Competitions in which there are fewer than 10 Horses entered, one stable/box will suffice. Boxes must contain clean bedding and it must be possible to observe Horses being sampled from outside each stable. If constructed on grass, a rubber matting floor must be installed.

Furthermore Organisers are asked to make available an area for associated administration and other facilities as outlined in FEI Veterinary Regulations Art. 1012 (eg. access to running water, lockable refrigerated storage for samples etc).

Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding organising FEI competitions or would like further advice not available through this guide please contact your National Federation or the relevant FEI department here.

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