1.5 - FEI World Challenge Competitions

The FEI Solidarity Department runs three development competitions called the FEI Dressage, Jumping and Vaulting World Challenges. The aim of these Competitions is to give less experienced athletes who, under normal circumstances, cannot take part in international competitions and live in more remote countries, the opportunity to compete internationally without having to leave their own country.

Countries participating in the FEI Dressage, Jumping and Vaulting World Challenges are divided geographically into Zones. Each Zone has between 4 and 10 countries.

Both the Dressage and Jumping competitions are held between Individuals and Teams within each Zone. In Vaulting however only Individual and Pas-de-Deux competitions are organised. They take place each year between 1 January and 31 December.

More information is available on inside.fei.org here. There is specific information available for Organisers of World Challenge competitions as follows:

In the FEI Jumping World Challenge the best 2 Athletes from the CATEGORY A competition (1.20-1.30m) in each Regional Ranking (10 Zones) qualify for the FEI Jumping World Challenge Final, organised the following year on borrowed horses.

Every 4 years, the FEI Jumping World Challenge Category A is used as a Youth Olympic Games Qualifier in countries / regions where there is no Continental Championship.

Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding organising FEI competitions or would like further advice not available through this guide please contact your National Federation or the FEI Solidarity department here.


Attached files: Event Incident Management Protocols_v1_CTE.docx

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